Crime drops at James Town

Ghana Police Logo

Thu, 21 Feb 2013 Source: Daily Guide

The James Town Police Command has indicated that crime in the area reduced in 2012 lauding the public and informants for their roles in the achievement of this feat.

In 2012, the James Town District Police recorded a total of 3043 cases against 5194 cases in 2011.

This achievement, according to the District Commander Supt. Francis Somian, would not have been possible without the contribution of the public and informants.

Other strategies that led to such success were effective day and night patrols, public education at events and snap checks mounted at vantage points within the district.

The district commander was speaking at the West Africa Security Services Activity (WASSA), an end of year get-together where personnel meet to take stock of the previous year and plan for the New Year ahead.

The Accra Regional Police Commander, COP Patrick Timbilla, used the occasion to thank the personnel and the entire public for the role they all played in ensuring peaceful polls in December.

He said public education and the rebroadcast of information or knowledge acquired at police organized events largely led to the success story.

He urged all to use the occasion to socialize and also remain committed in the years ahead to chalk up more success in their fields of operation.

Source: Daily Guide