Driver fined for negligently causing harm

Fri, 1 Apr 2005 Source: GNA

Cape Coast, April 1 GNA- Hussein Osuman, a 25-year-old driver was on Friday fined 500,000 cedis by a circuit court at Cape Coast for careless driving and negligently causing harm to a three- year -old boy, resulting in the amputation of his right arm.

Osuman, who earlier pleaded not guilty and later changed his plea to guilty, would be gaoled for six months in default.

Prosecuting, Police Chief Inspector Augustine Amonoo, told the court presided over by Mr Mustapha Logoh that at about 1740 hours on July 7 last year , Osuman who was driving a bus from Agona Swedru to Breman Asikuma knocked down the boy at the outskirts of Breman- Kuntanase and ran over his right hand.

He said the boy was rushed to a near by private clinic and later to the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, where his arm was amputated. The court also sentenced Joseph Brookman, a taxi driver, to a fine of 400,000.00 cedis for driving with worn out tyres. Brookman who pleaded guilty would be jailed for six months in default.

Source: GNA