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Farm labourer sentenced six months for indecent sexual assault

Wed, 18 Apr 2012 Source: GNA

The Half Assini Magistrate Court has sentenced Oppong Show Boy to six months imprisonment in hard labour for indecent sexual assault.

The accused, a 22-year-old farm labourer, pleaded guilty with explanation.

Prosecuting, Police Inspector Franklin Selby said, the husband of the complainant, Madam Felicia Akpatu, hired the convict as a houseboy for the wife and gave him accommodation in their house at Tweakoe.

He said on March 24, the complainant fell sick and while she was in her room, the convict entered the room and started robbing his hand at her private parts.

Inspector Selby said Madam Akpatu pleaded with the accused to allow her to go out to urinate thus escaping.

She lodged a complaint with Mpataba Police and Oppong was arrested.**

Source: GNA