Farmer jailed 10 years for stealing

Thu, 21 Dec 2006 Source: GNA

Tarkwa, Dec 21, GNA - Anthony Mensah, a farmer was jailed 10 years by a Tarkwa Circuit court for stealing 15 million cedis. He pleaded guilty. Inspector Oscar Amponsah of Tarkwa told the court that on December 19, 2005 Ernerst Nimo, the District Forestry Officer in-charge of Asannkragwa District was on board Toyota Pick-up driven by John Acquah that got involved in an accident at Asikuma near Wasa Akropong.

On hearing the accident, people from Asikuma including the Mensah rushed to the scene to assist the accident victims. Inspector Amponsah said one of the victims, Nimo, told the convict to take his bag containing the amount from the front seat. Mensah went away with the money.

Nimo reported the convict to the police on December 29, 2005 but when he was questioned he denied having taken the money. Gong-gong was beaten in the town requesting those who took the money to bring it and Charles Agyeman and Adam Nartey confessed and refunded 10 million cedis and mentioned the convict as the man who gave them the money to share. On hearing the confession Mensah escaped to Nigeria and was arrested when he returned early this month.

Source: GNA