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Farmer jailed for defiling a girl in the bush

Wed, 25 Nov 2015 Source: GNA

A thirty-six -year-old resident of Jukwa in the Central Region who defiled his neighbour’s 12-year-old daughter in the bush has been sentenced to 12 years imprisonment by a Cape Coast Circuit Court.

The convict, Joseph Ampong alias Ekow, a farmer, pleaded not guilty but the presiding judge, Ms. Sedina Agbemava, found him guilty after full trial.

Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Sylvanus Dalmeida, who prosecuted, earlier told the court that on Saturday May 23, this year, at about 1800 hours, the victim left home to meet her mother, who was late in returning home from the farm.

On reaching a section of the Jukwa- Nkwantanan main road, Ampong who was coming from the opposite direction, called the victim under the pretext of sending her on an errand.

However, Ampong dragged her into a nearby bush and ordered her to stoop against a coconut tree, gagged her with his hand, removed her underwear and had sexual intercourse with her through the rear.

While in the act, the victim’s uncle who was returning from the farm, chanced upon them and he immediately, took to his heels; the victim left behind her underwear and Ampong, his cap and cutlass.

ASP Dalmeida said a report was made at the Jukwa Police Station where, a police medical report was issued for the girl to be taken to the hospital for examination and treatment, while Ampong was arrested.

Source: GNA