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Goodies put before new judge; pleads not guilty

Fri, 8 Aug 2008 Source: GNA

Accra, Aug. 8, GNA - Isaac Abeiku Aidoo, aka Goodies, a popular music producer who is being held for drug related offences, has been put before a new judge.

Aidoo, the Chief Executive Officer of Goodies Music Production, is facing charges of attempted exportation of 80 pellets of drugs suspected to be cocaine and possessing narcotic drug without lawful authority. He pleaded not guilty at the newly established specialised circuit courts for robbery and narcotic related offence during the week. The court remanded him into prison custody to reappear on August 11. The case, as presented Deputy Superintendent of Police Mr Kofi Blagodzi, the prosecutor, is that on April 23, Aidoo arrived at the Kotoka International Airport at about 2245 hours to board a Ghana International Airlines flight to London.

The prosecution said while going through departure formalities, operatives of the Narcotics Control Board suspected Aidoo of carrying drugs in his stomach.

Aidoo was therefore escorted to the 37 Military Hospital for X-ray, which revealed that he had some foreign materials in his stomach. Aidoo was arrested and put under surveillance and he expelled 80 pellets of whitish substances suspected to be cocaine.

During Police interrogation, Aidoo said one Abdul Haid, a musician residing at East Legon, Accra, gave the drugs to him to be delivered to one Willie for a fee of 3,000 dollars. The prosecution said he, however, failed to lead the Police to arrest the said Abdul.

Source: GNA