Husband burns estranged wife's salon

Wed, 11 Jul 2007 Source: GNA

Aflao (V/R), July 11, GNA - Joseph Owusu, an Aflao-based businessman is being sought by the Police for arson involving the burning down of his wife's hair dressing salon at Aflao last weekend. The fire destroyed the entire single apartment block housing the salon and other adjoining businesses including grocery and beverage selling points.

Items destroyed in the salon included standing and hand dryers, furniture, deep freezer, a hair weaver, a showcase containing hair accessories, creams, clothing, containers, a water meter belonging to the Ghana Water Company, rollers, pairs of shoes and cooking utensils. Cost of damage was estimated at nearly 300 million cedis.

A Police source told the Ghana News agency (GNA) that Owusu, 48, who hails from Kumasi-Abuakwa had once been detained, cautioned and released following his threat to burn down his estranged wife's business apartment and was highly suspected to have carried out his threat. The source said Owusu and his wife, Gifty Adama have two children but separated about nine months ago.

Madam Adama told the GNA that Owusu kicked her out of the matrimonial home one late night after she vehemently opposed his plan of picking a second wife. She has since lived in his parent's home at another part of Aflao.

She said she reported Owusu's earlier threat to burn down her business premises to her church elders but he asked for forgiveness saying it was a mere threat.

Madam Adama said on Saturday at about 0400 hours she was told her salon was on fire and that on getting to the scene, the blaze was too scary for any items to be retrieved.

She said people around the salon claimed they saw Owusu loitering around hours before the blaze but all attempts to trace him so far had proved futile.

Source: GNA