The mother of a twelve-year-old boy, who was murdered with his tongue cut off, has called on the spirit of her son to mete vengeance on his killers.
The alleged ritual murder is said to have been committed by a close neighbor who is currently in police custody.
Speaking in an interview with Adom News, the mother expressed her grief and called on the spirit of her late son, Justice Akakpo, to strike his murderers.
The mother, who was emotional during the interview, stated, "Why are you people doing me like that? Why did you do that to Akakpo? You have been sending him always but not knowing you have planned evil against him. I didn't know they were about to kill my son.
"They said I shouldn't cry... Kwabena, show your powers. Anybody who is part of this, show your powers... anybody involved, let your blood strike... we don't have money, so please, it shouldn't be a foolish case. Work on justice for me because if you are supposed to take one thousand cedis, I don't have. Anybody involved in the murder of my son should be dealt with by the law. My son hasn't done anything."
She further added that her son had aspirations of becoming a soldier, and she had sewn a dress for him for career day, which he wore and looked forward to fulfilling his dreams.
The alleged killer is said to be a close neighbor of the family, and the police are currently investigating the matter.
The gruesome nature of the murder has shocked the community, with many calling for justice to be served.
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