Labourer charged with threatening to kill 93Boss"

Mon, 16 Aug 2010 Source: GNA

Kade, Aug. 16, GNA - David Kalayi Vivor, a labourer, on Monday, appeared before the Kade District Magistrates' Court, charged with threatening to kill his 93boss".

Vivor, who faced a charge of threat of death, pleaded guilty with explanation and was remanded in prison custody until August 19.

Police Inspector Francis Cobbina, prosecuting, told the court presided over by Mr Abdul Majid Iliasu that, the complainant, Charles Acheampong, was a purchasing officer with the West African Market Link at Nkwantanang, but resident at Kade, whilst the accused was a labourer, also living at Kade.

He said on July 9 at about 0900 hours, the accused together with eight others were engaged by the complainant to load 510 bags of palm kernel into a truck.

The complainant made it clear that each of them would be given GHC 2 as their ration, which they all agreed.

The prosecutor said the complainant therefore gave GHC 18 to one Obed Asare, the leader of the gang to be shared among them.

Obed however, later sent back the money to the complainant with explanation that all of them had refused the amount because it was insufficient.

The prosecutor said on July 10 at about 06.45 hours, the accused together with his co-workers went to the complainant's house and demanded the money for the number of days he had worked for the company.

Accused further threatened to kill the complainant should he refuse to pay him.

A report was made to the police and on August 10, the accused was arrested and charged with the offence.

Source: GNA