Labourer jailed six months for stealing fungicides

Mon, 23 May 2005 Source: GNA

Twifo Praso (C/R), May 23, GNA - Alfred Larweh, a labourer of the Produce Buying Company (PBC) outfit in the Twifo-Hemang-Lower-Denkyira District, has been jailed six months for stealing fungicides belonging to his employers by a magistrate's court at Twifo-Praso. He pleaded guilty. In the dock with him, was Ernest Abotsi to whom he sold the fungicides.

Abotsi has pleaded not guilty and is on 10 million cedis bail to re-appear on June 1.

Prosecuting, Chief Inspector George Okine told the court that on April 28 Mr Francis Avagah, a purchasing clerk of the company, detected that a quantity of fungicides had been stolen from the office. He said Larweh was arrested following a tip-off and during investigations he admitted the offence and said he had sold the chemicals to one Ernest Abotsi for 12,000 cedis. Abotsi was arrested and when his room was searched some of the fungicides were found in his room.

Source: GNA