Labourer remanded over abduction of 14-year-old girl

Tue, 7 Mar 2006 Source: GNA

Asamankese, March 07, GNA - An 18-year-old labourer who abducted a 14-year-old maidservant and kept her in his room for two days during which he sexually abused her has been remanded prison custody by the Asamankese Circuit Court.

Charles Akoto, who pleaded guilty with explanation, is to reappear on March 13.

Police Chief Inspector Eric Okyere told the court that on December 28, the maid left the house at Akwatia to sell doughnut and Akoto bought 1,000 cedis worth of the doughnut and gave her 20,000 cedis. The girl could not give Akoto a balance of 19,000 cedis so she demanded the return of the doughnut but he refused and asked her to come later for the money.

When the girl went back for the money Akoto dragged her into his room and kept her for the two days.

During the period, the couple with whom the girl stayed informed the Akwatia Neighbourhood Committee for assistance to locate her. On the second day, the girl escaped to a friend's house and narrated her ordeal to her.

The prosecution said Akoto was arrested while trying to flee to Akwatia in a taxi.

The prosecutor said Akoto, who claimed in a cautioned statement that the girl was his lover and that he intended to marry her, was granted police bail to report to court on January 4 but he failed to do so.

His surety later arrested him and handed him over to the police. In the court, Akoto argued that his victim was 17 years old and not 14. The Court has therefore asked police to ascertain the correct age of the girl.

Source: GNA