Man commits suicide in Bogoso police cells

Suicide Noose

Thu, 16 Oct 2014 Source: GNA

A 37-year-old unemployed, Benjamine Teye, was on Tuesday morning found dead in Police cells at Bogoso in the Prestea Huni/Valley District.

The deceased is said to have hanged himself around 5:30 am with his singlet tied to a metal bar in the cells.

Police Inspector Foster Berko, Bogoso Station Officer of the Ghana Police Service, who confirmed the incident in an interview with the Ghana News Agency at Bogoso, said around 01100 hours on Monday, members of the Tarkwa Bremang Unit Committee came to the Police Station with the deceased and his wife, Mrs Hannah Teye, a 27 year-old seamstress, who reported that the deceased had run away with her Kia Astra taxi.

Inspector Berko said according to Mrs Teye, she and the deceased were not properly married although they lived together with their four-year-old baby.

He said the couple returned from Togo three years ago and Hannah bought the Kia Astra taxi with money she earned while working in Togo.

Inspector Berko said Hannah allowed the deceased to operate the taxi, because he was unemployed, to enable him make money to take care of the family.

He said the deceased under the pretext of visiting his family at Somanya, run away with the vehicle for three years, without communicating with the wife.

Inspector Berko said all efforts made by Hannah to get in touch with the deceased proved futile, and about a week ago, she got the contact address of the deceased and intentionally informed him that their baby was very sick.

He said upon hearing the news, the deceased promptly returned home, but Hannah and the Unit Committee members arrested him and took him to the police station.

Inspector Berko said the Police decided to detain the deceased to enable them investigate the matter thoroughly.

He said Teye was allowed to have his singlet and boxer shorts on, because of cold weather but he was closely monitored by two officers on duty.

Inspector Berko said the body of the deceased has been deposited at the Wassa Akropong Hospital morgue.

Source: GNA