Man-hunt for stabbing suspect in BA

Tue, 10 Apr 2012 Source: GNA

Police in the Brong Ahafo region have mounted a man-hunt for one Ababa Sena, who allegedly stabbed Divine Mensah, a party agent.

He is alleged to have stabbed the party agent on the neck and chopped off the nipple of his left breast at a registration center at Saabie in the Tain district for challenging somebody in a queue of being a minor.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) Robert Ayalingo, Brong Ahafo Regional Police Commander, at a press conference in Sunyani on Tuesday said, at about 0900 hours on April 7 this year, Divine, accompanied by one Douglas Mensah went to the police station at Banda Ahenkro to report a case of stabbing and was issued with a police medical form to attend hospital at Banda Ahenkro health centre.

He said Divine was later transferred to the Methodist hospital in Wenchi for further treatment but were stopped on their way by six occupants of a Ford vehicle with registration number AS 9664/10 who started assaulting them.

The regional commander said the four occupants of the pickup vehicle fled for their lives leaving Divine to his fate.

He said police received information about the case and proceeded to the scene but the Ford sped off, ignoring signals by the police to stop. The police alerted their counterparts who mounted a road block on the Wenchi road and subsequently arrested the vehicle at a check point.

All the six occupants of the Ford vehicle were arrested to assist in investigations into the case.

DCOP Ayalingo, said following threats by NPP supporters to attack the police station in Wenchi if the six were not released on bail, the six suspects were transferred to the regional police head quarters in Sunyani.

He said the six, who included a woman, have since been granted bail to assist the police in investigations.

Those arrested include; Mr Joseph Ofori Amanfo, an aspiring Member of Parliament (MP) for Tain, Charles Akugre Mba, constituency secretary, Ibrahim Dauda Bamba, youth organizer, Amina Adams, treasurer, Andrews Oppong, party member and George Anane Boateng, driver.

In another development DCOP Ayalingo said the chief of Saabi in Tain district reported at the Banda Ahenkro police station that Divine had arrived in the town on a motor bike wielding a gun and amidst firing into the air and shouting the names of some people to show up if indeed they were men.

He said the victim’s gun run out of ammunition so some residents rushed and seized the gun from him but he managed to escape arrest.

DCOP Ayalingo said, even though Divine had denied the shooting allegation made against him, he would be detained for further investigations to be conducted.

The regional commander said that, it was the duty of the police to protect lives and property and to maintain peace and would not allow individuals for their own interests to disorganize the registration process and breach the peace.**

Source: GNA