Man kills son for rituals

Mankills Son The man admitted killing his own son and removing some parts of the body for rituals

Wed, 26 Apr 2017 Source:

A 31-year-old farmer, Abdul Salam, has been arrested by the Asankragwa police for purportedly killing his six-year-old son for alleged ritual purposes.

The incident reportedly occurred at Adidaase, near Amanso Amenfi in the Wassa Amenfi District of the Western Region yesterday.

According to eyewitness reports, the man allegedly cut off his son’s head and legs to be sent to a spiritualist to help him (father) get more money.

Some of the residents explained that the mother reported to the elders of the farming community that her six-year-old boy had got missing.

The unit committee members in the area subsequently formed a search party to look for the little boy.

When the father, Abdul Salam, was confronted, he allegedly admitted killing his own son and removing some parts of the body for rituals.

“Upon interrogation, Abdul Salam confessed that he murdered the little boy to sell the head and the legs for ritual purposes,” one resident alleged.

DAILY GUIDE has gathered that Abdul Salam is currently in the custody of the Asankragwaa police pending further investigations.
