NJMA to prosecute rate defaulters

Thu, 16 Oct 2014 Source: GNA

The New Juaben Municipal Assembly (NJMA), is to prosecute rate defaulters of the Assembly, under Section 113 of Act 462 of the Local Government Act 1993, which gives it the mandate to do so.

In a statement signed by Mr. Samson Gyatto, Municipal Finance Officer, the Assembly indicated that it has lost revenue over the years, because most rate payers have failed to fulfill their rate obligations to the Assembly.

He said this has resulted in the Assembly failing to achieve its annual revenue targets.

The Assembly, therefore, appealed to all rate defaulters to pay their rates to the Assembly in full before Friday, October 31, in order to avoid prosecution.

The statement directed that all payments are to be made to the Assembly's accredited revenue collectors, or the Revenue Office at the Office of the Municipal Assembly, adding that Official receipts must be obtained for all payments and be made available for inspection upon demand by the Assembly's Task Force that would soon start going round.

Source: GNA