Pastor impregnates girl

Sat, 2 Jun 2007 Source: GNA

Akyem Oda, June 02, GNA- Pastor Enoch Koranteng, 40, of the Grace Universal Church at Akyem Oda who was alleged to have impregnated a 17-year-old apprentice photographer and attempted to have it aborted, is helping the police in their investigations. Chief Superintendent of Police, Ben Atadana told the GNA that about three months ago the victim, who also hawks petty items to earn a living was on her usual rounds when Koranteng who was by then standing near a hotel called her.

According to the Divisional Commander, the pastor told the girl that the hotel belonged to him, adding that the vehicles that were parked inside were his.

He said the pastor then proposed love to the girl and promised her "heaven on earth" if she should agree to his proposal. The pastor then managed to lure the girl into one of the hotel rooms where he had sexual intercourse with her. CSP Atadana said after the act the two lovers exchanged telephone numbers and Koranteng, on numerous occasions invited the girl to the hotel where they had sex.

He said later the girl realised that she was pregnant and informed Koranteng about it and the pastor invited her to the hotel where he gave her a concoction and had sex with her with the explanation that the pregnancy would then abort.

He said after the act the girl bled a little but the pregnancy was still intact and the pastor then decided to play hide and seek game with the victim until the case was reported to the police. 02 June 07

Source: GNA