Some healing church leaders jailed for defilement

Jailed 14yrs File photo

Tue, 2 Jul 2019 Source:

Three leaders of healing churches have so far been prosecuted and jailed for defiling girls who visited their churches to seek healing.

This was disclosed by Ms Hannah Morrison, Senior Investigator with the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) at an annual durbar of the Eastern Regional branch of Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association at Nsawam.

She did not elaborate but urged church leaders who claim to have healing powers and traditional medicine practitioners to stop treatment of underage persons without the consent of their parents.

Ms Morrison advised them to desist from putting their patients in chains at their facility since such practices were against the rights of the patients.

Mr Benedict Yankyera, Eastern Regional Officer of Traditional Medicine Practitioners Council advised all traditional medicine practitioners in the region to register with the Council.

He explained that under the law, all traditional medicine practitioners are expected to register and ensure that the packaging of their herbs comply with standards of alternative medicine in the country.

Mr Yenkyera urged the members to quickly refer sickness that they could not treat to the nearest public health facility to help save lives.

Reverend Rebecca Agyei Yirenkyi, Field Assistant of the Association expressed the hope since more practitioners are now registering with the association it would help them to speak with one voice and promote the practice of alternative medicine in the country.
