Suspected thief escapes from hospital bed, dies close to mortuary

THEIF SUSPECT Alleged thief

Wed, 15 Mar 2017 Source: Skyy Power FM

In an attempt to escape from the arms of the law, a suspected thief who was receiving treatment at Hospital after receiving severe beatings has died close to the Mortuary of the same health facility

The deceased who gave his name as Bernard Insaidoo is reported to have been subjected to severe beatings at a Washing bay near Nkotompo, a surburb of Sekondi on Sunday March, 12, 2017 after he was accused of being a thief

Due to the critical nature of his condition, he was taken to the Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital in Sekondi by the Police where he was admitted

He however escaped from his hospital bed on Tuesday afternoon, March, 14, 2017 Just after a few meters away from the hospital, he collapsed at a spot near the Morgue where he died a few minutes later after nobody could come to his aid

Some Mortuary attendants who witnessed this weird spectacle have since conveyed the body to the Morgue

Source: Skyy Power FM