Swedru High Court orders a bank to pay GH¢88,700

Thu, 25 Feb 2010 Source: GNA

Agona Swedru (C/R), Feb. 25, GNA - A High Court at Agona Swedru on Wednesday ordered the Akyempim Rural Bank at Gomoa Dawurampong to pay GH¢88,700 to Mr Simpa Osei Kwabia, Managing Director of Sokai Enterpris= e. The money was in respect of GH¢6,500 Mr Kwabia claimed had been ta= ken from his store and the cost of trinkets values at GH¢78,200, which the plaintiff alleged got missing when the Bank let police personnel to invad= e the store.

Justice B.O. Tetteh, High Court Judge, awarded a cost of GH¢4,000= to the plaintiff. Mr Kojo Annan, counsel for the plaintiff, said his client who was a customer of the Bank contracted an overdraft of GH¢8,500 some time in 2= 006, which he started paying at GH¢200 a week.

Mr Annan said some time in March 2006, the Bank wrote to demand paym= ent of the balance which his client pleaded for some time to settle. He said on 31st March 2006, officials of the Bank led police personn= el to the shop when the plaintiff was absent and took away some items includ= ing money and trinkets. The counsel said when his client returned and was informed about the=

event, he went to the Bank to demand the reason for their action. He said the plaintiff was manhandled and later detained. 25 Feb. 10

Source: GNA