The Case of Pastor Gone Bonkers

Fri, 6 Aug 2004 Source: Chronicle

Reverend 'Dr.' Jack Nana Reynolds, General Overseer and head of the Rama Church in Tema, appears to be sinking faster and deeper into trouble, following his alleged defrauding of a Ghanaian woman resident in London to the tune of ?16,000.

Although the case is before the Awutu Magistrate court, the Lady, Madam Charlotte Ashford has marshaled fresh forces to do battle against Rev. Reynolds, following her discovery that the amount the pastor has duped her rather runs to ?20, 000 and not what was previously claimed.

Consequently, she has dispatched a fresh Power of Attorney to one Samuel Kofi Sakyiamah "to demand, sue for, enforce payment of, and receive and give for the whole or any share or interest of mine in all money ." owed her by pastor Reynolds.

The Power of Attorney, issued on instruction to a London-based notaries, Saville & Co. is dated 22nd July 2004 and dispatched by courier, arriving last week.

Upon its receipt, Mr. Sakyiamah and his attorney have vowed to wage a relentless war against Pastor Reynolds until the recovery of such amount or his conviction.

As part of the battle plan, the executors say they are desirous of lodging a fresh complaint with the Police against Pastor Reynolds, and to commence a fresh assault against the prelate. They have described the pastor's preliminary appearance at the Awutu Court as mere skirmishes, and are set with new Armour to wage a fresh assault against him.

There are plans to review the charges against this pastor, update it, and drag him by the collar to what they describe as a more appropriate court that could adequately deal with the alleged.

Source: Chronicle