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Thieves deprive E.P. School of laptop computers

Sat, 10 Jan 2015 Source: GNA

Ho-Kpodzi E.P. Primary School, Ho, has lost all but two Dell laptop and two desk-top computers to thieves during the Christmas break.

The cost of the stolen computers and accessories, bought with the assistance of “Help Ghana,” could not be estimated but the Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) has for four years been paying 900.00 Ghana cedis a term for them, Ms Sylvia Dzebre, the Head-teacher of the School, told the Ghana News Agency on Thursday.

The Ho Municipality suffered several break-ins during the Christmas with the thieves going in for the latest electronic and telecommunication gadgets.

Ms Dzebre said she discovered the theft when she came to the school and had since reported the incident to the Police.

The thieves broke the pad-locks on the metal gate and the lock to the main door to the computer laboratory, whose windows were secured with metal grille and took away 11 out of 13 Dell Laptop computers and accessories.

Ms Dzebre appealed to philanthropic organisations to help the school with another set of computers because the PTA is unlikely to replace those stolen.

She also appealed to the E.P. Church to consider engaging watchmen for the cluster of schools at Ho-Kpodzi.

Ms Dzebre said the School’s premises had become a rendezvous for smoking gangs of young men and women.

Thieves similarly broke into the nearby home of Mr Moses Donkor, the School’s Information Communication Technology (ICT) teacher, making away with a 39-inch flat screen television, Multi-TV decoder, DVD, a laptop computer and 700.00 Ghana cedis and assorted items.

Mr Donkor told the GNA that he travelled out of town during the Christmas break and returned to see his home broken into.

He said the thieves might have broken into his apartment thinking he had kept the school’s laptop computers there as he usually did after school every day.

Source: GNA