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To whom it may concern.

Thu, 21 Dec 2006 Source:

Of cousre it should concern you, because it concersn we all to cleans Ghana from the

activities of criminals who have made life un-bearable to other good citizen of Ghana and

make thier lives misrable.

I have been making a research on one particulaer group of poeple who call themselves

gamblers (Round Board) gamblers. For the past eight months I have been on this resaerch.

They operate behind the Ghana Commercial Bank at circle, at Odorna park where the AMA is

building new market for peti street traders. This group of people are about 28 in number

but you will not know at your first time of been there until you take your time to study

the operations there. To make things short, their operation is that they mount thier round

board and thier client will come and they the masters of the round board will make an offer

of bet 50,000 Cedes and win 1,000,000:00 Cedes, or bet 100,000 Cedes and win 2,000,000:00.

This practice have been going on for past years and no one is doing something about it.

They only operate at night, time from 9 at night till 4 to 5 in the mourning. Why I decided

to contact your office is becuase I have contact the police severaly and nothing is done

about it, as a matter of fact the police hereslf do come there to take tips one patrol

after another. The saddest part of it is that young youth of Ghana will always gather there

in numbers playing this gambling some will come with money runing into millions, as a

matter of fact I have been there a a boy of about 17yrs of age came there and paly the

gambling and the masters of the board eat from him 6,000,000:00Cedes and the young boy was

crying that they should balance him some of the money, in my presence there, the boy was

given a bitting of his life. Not one not two not three. As a matter of fact most of all the

Phone snaching at circle is from there, go there youself you will understand what I am

talking about. A lot of youn g boys this gambling have destroy thier lives, some have

taking refuge in the house of taking drugs some steeling to meet up to go smook or take

drung then finaly go and play the gambling while the masters of the gambling board, grow in

wealth and look very fresh and healthy. I am not given this information as a result of envy

but poeple should be save before Ghana is turned to drung smooking nation. At night this

area I am talking about you can not pass there alone, through my investigations, I phone

snarchers will bring the phone they snarched from passerby to this round board massters and

they will buy it from them at a give away price. I am asking where are we going as a nation

if we still live this kind of activities going on, in the city like Accra, a capital city

of all Ghananian. Please I am pleading that your good office will use this information and

do some thing to drive this criminal away from such activities. I they do cliam that they

have liecence for that kind of gambling but I am doubting, what kind of government will

give liecence for such gambling to take place in its soil. You need to go and see to

yourself to believe me and do some thing at once. With your good work for modernization of

the capital city will not be completed is this group of poeple is not driving away and have

thier working instruments destroy even if possible send them all to jial. This is all I have for your good office. Godwill.
