Two Policemen held over extortion granted bail

Prison   Handcuffs File photo

Fri, 4 Mar 2016 Source: GNA

Two Policemen who allegedly mounted a road block and extorted cash amounting to GHC247.00 from unsuspecting drivers at Tabora junction have been granted bail by an Accra Circuit Court.

The policemen are General Constables Azumah Musah and Jacob Tinob, who are being held for extortion have been admitted to bail in the sum of GHC10,000.00 with two sureties each.

They are to report to the Criminal Investigation Department every Thursday until directed otherwise by the Court.

Constable Musah has additionally been charged with possession of firearms and military accoutrements without lawful authority.

The two who are to reappear on March 23 have pleaded not guilty to the various charges.

Prosecuting Detective Chief Inspector Ofori Amanfo told the Court that the Police personal from the Police Intelligence and Professionalism Standard (PIPPS) were the complainants.

Musah was formerly attached to the National Police Department Headquarters, while Tinob was with the National Police Patrol Department, Headquarters.

According to Chief Inspector Amanfo, Musah was transferred to Aprade in the Eastern Region in December last year.

The prosecutor said on February 18 this year at about 7:30 pm at Tabora Junction, Accra, policemen from PIPPS led by Godfred Aseidu Bampoe arrested the accused persons for professional misconduct.

Prosecution said Musah who attempted to escape was seen at the time of his arrest dressed in an Inspector’s Uniform and was extorting monies from unsuspecting drivers.

Prosecution said on February 19, this year, when their rented apartments were searched, the Police found nothing incriminatory in Tinob’s room.

However in the case of Musah, the Police retrieved from his room a single barrel gun number ASG7259-75, unserviceable locally manufactured pistol, two rubber toys, a Motorola hand set, a riot control armoured vest.

The rest were four bullet proof vest, a photocopy of a permanent driver’s licence in the name of Emmanuel K. Kumi with pin number 2770991-01-01 issued on April 17, 2014 and a temporary driving licence in the name of Sappor James, four Military camouflage uniform (top), a pair of Military Uniform and two pairs of shorts.

Musah told Policemen that the single barrel gun and locally manufacture pistol were given to him by his ailing father residing at Asaam in the Ashanti Region for safe keeping.

Prosecution said Musah indicated that he found the Military Uniform in a tent at the Police Training School, Accra, when he and his colleagues were cleaning up the tent but failed to report to any of his superiors.

According to prosecution, Musah stated that he also bought the rest of the Military accoutrements from Circle and Nyamekye Markets.

In the case of Tinob, he maintained that he encountered traffic jam and he only stopped at Tabora Junction to control the traffic only to be arrested by Police officers.

Source: GNA