Two ex-convicts jailed 30 years for stealing

Fri, 30 Jan 2009 Source: GNA

Tarkwa (WR), Jan. 30, GNA - A Tarkwa Circuit court presided over by Mr Samuel Obeng Diawuo has sentenced two ex-convicts to 15 years imprisonment each for stealing on their own plea. Alex Twum 48, served 10 out of 18 years imprisonment imposed on him by a Sekondi Circuit court, while Ekow Nyamekeh 42, jailed for stealing a generator was released from prison four months ago. Prosecuting, Police Inspector Florence Tawiah said the complainants Joseph Kwame Duncan and Kwesi Aduakwa were Unit Committee members at New Atuabo near Tarkwa.

Tarkwa (WR), Jan. 30, GNA - A Tarkwa Circuit court presided over by Mr Samuel Obeng Diawuo has sentenced two ex-convicts to 15 years imprisonment each for stealing on their own plea. Alex Twum 48, served 10 out of 18 years imprisonment imposed on him by a Sekondi Circuit court, while Ekow Nyamekeh 42, jailed for stealing a generator was released from prison four months ago. Prosecuting, Police Inspector Florence Tawiah said the complainants Joseph Kwame Duncan and Kwesi Aduakwa were Unit Committee members at New Atuabo near Tarkwa. She said during the morning of January 21, this year, some residents of New Atuabo saw the accused persons carrying some items in polythene bags, they became suspicious, arrested and handed them over to the assemblyman for the area. The prosecution said upon interrogation, they admitted stealing the items from a wooden kiosk belonging to Madam Elizabeth Quainoo at Bogoso junction, a suburb of Tarkwa. She said they were sent to Tarkwa Police station and a search conducted on them revealed a "14" colour television, hand drier and a radio-tape recorder valued at GH¢30.00. The prosecution said the kiosk owner was called to the police station and identified the items belonging to her after which they were charged with the offence.

Source: GNA