Two motorbike thieves escape lynching

Prison   Handcuffs

Wed, 8 Oct 2014 Source: The Chronicle

But for the timely intervention of Police Officers from the Bolgatanga Municipal Police station, two motorbike thieves would have been lynched in Bolgatanga last Saturday, after they had stolen a motorbike at Tanzui, a suburb of Bolgatanga.

Eyewitnesses, who narrated the incidence to this paper, said the criminals spotted the motorbike which was parked outside a house, disconnected the lock and managed to start it and sped off.

Immediately their action was noticed, some young men in the area gave them a hot chase on another motorbike. They closed in on the suspects at Low Cost Quarters, where they grabbed them.

A mob invaded the scene and beat up the suspects mercilessly. In the process, one of them managed to escape, but was re-arrested. One sustained two deep cuts on both of his cheeks and bled from his nose, mouth and ears.

The other suspect also bled from his mouth and nose. They were both stripped naked, with their manhood dangling in front of them, amidst hooting by the crowd.

When the Police arrived, they bundled them into their pick-up, hand-cuffed them and took them away to their office. The incident happened at about 12:15pm on Saturday.

Stealing of motorbikes in the Bolgatanga Municipality has become so rampant that criminals no longer hide to steal, or steal at night only, but during broad daylight as well.

Just last two weeks, one of such criminals was arrested at a wedding reception of a police officer, after he had stolen a motorbike and was pushing it out of the premises, where the reception was being held.

Source: The Chronicle