Unemployed in court for impersonation

Tue, 8 Aug 2006 Source: GNA

Tarkwa, (W/R) Aug. 8, GNA - To pretend to be who and what you are not is one of the most embarrassing situations anyone can find himself in, especially when one is found at the end of the day to be a fake. This is the situation Collins Ofori, unemployed, also known as Kofori of Bogoso is facing as the long arm of the law has caught up with him and he is standing trial at a circuit court in Tarkwa for impersonating one Stephen Mensah with intent to secure an employment. Presenting the facts of the case to the court presided over by Mr John Ajet Nasam, Inspector Oscar Amponsah, said on July 2, this year, Bogoso Gold Limited, BGL, issued medical forms to some twenty seven applicants who had passed examinations conducted by the company to be employed as plant operators, to undergo medical examinations at the Goldfields Hospital in Tarkwa.

Later the company suspended the exercise and at a later date asked the successful applicants to go back for the test.

Collins who failed the examination and was thus not eligible to undergo the medical exam went to the Goldfields Hospital, picked Stephen Mensah's medical form and underwent the test in Stephen's name. Stephen, who incidentally had travelled at the time, came back two days later and went to the Hospital to pick up his form, which was no where to be found.

He therefore notified the authorities who issued him with a new form to undergo the test.

On July 6, Collins Ofori presented the medical report bearing Stephen's name and it was realized that two reports had been presented all bearing Stephen's name.

He was immediately arrested by security personnel of the company and handed over to the police at Bogoso where he admitted to committing the crime.

The case since has been adjourned to August 15 for further hearing.

Source: GNA