Victims identify robbers

Sat, 28 Apr 2007 Source: GNA

Sunyani, April 28, GNA - Six victims of separate robbery attacks identified their attackers at a police identification parade in Sunyani. Five of the suspects who snatched a taxi cab from its driver last Thursday appeared before a Sunyani Magistrate court charged with conspiracy and armed robbery.

Their plea was not taken and the court, presided over by Mr. Albert Zoogah remanded them into prison custody to re-appear on May 10, this year.

They were Isaac Kumi, 22, Etse Awusenyah, 24, Atsu Awusenyah, 24, Francis Acquah, 21 and Mary Fosuah, 19. Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Martin Dephearmaphor, prosecutor, told the court that at about midnight on Sunday, April 22, the suspects hired a Nissan Premier taxi cab with registration number BA 677 X in Sunyani and asked the driver to send them to Tyco restaurant and drinking bar on the Sunyani-Kumasi road. He said on reaching the restaurant they ordered the driver to continue to Ellenda Guest house at Abesim to enable them to pass the night there.

On the way to the guest house, Mary asked the driver to stop to enable her to attend to nature's call. As soon as she got down, one of the suspects who sat behind the driver removed a bicycle chain and tied the driver's neck whilst the others used other sharp implements to pinch other parts of his body. ASP Dephearmaphor said whilst the other suspects did so, Mary kept watch to alert them of any approaching person. He said they overpowered the driver, pulled him out of the vehicle and dumped him in the bush.

They then sped off towards Kumasi.

The prosecutor said a Good Samaritan saw the driver at the road side and brought him to the police station to make a report to the police who immediately sent a wireless message to their counterparts in Bechem and Kumasi.

ASP Dephearmaphor said police in Kumasi intercepted the vehicle at a check point at Sofo line and the robbers were arrested. He said the suspects were then brought down to Sunyani.

Another taxi driver identified the suspects as having robbed him, three foreigners and a Ghanaian counterpart in another operation at the identification parade.

Source: GNA