Woman bites off and chews man’s finger

Mariama Bit Finger221 Mariama reportedly bit and continuously chewed on the victims finger during a fight

Mon, 7 May 2018 Source: classfmonline.com

Mariama, a sachet water seller in her forties has been arrested by police in Accra for biting off and subsequently chewing a man’s finger.

The victim, Samuel Nii Kwade, 32, provides car washing services close to the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park in Accra.

On Saturday, 5 May 2017 at about 9am, the victim was resting on a bench when Mariama, who sells water within the vicinity, unloaded and stacked three empty iced-chests close to the bench and left to get bags of sachet water to fill the chests.

One of the chests slid and hit the head of the victim who then decided to push the chests away with his leg further from his bench. This infuriated Mariama and she picked a double-edged hoe to attack the victim.

The victim told ClassFMonline.com that he tried to defend himself and the confrontation drew the attention of passersby and other individuals in the vicinity.

As the two struggled, Mariama got hold of the man’s hand and bit of his left index finger exposing the bone before the two were separated.

Mariama continued to chew the ripped finger with blood covering her mouth and later spilled it. Onlookers accosted her as she attempted to escape and the matter was reported to the Ministries Police Station. She was arrested and kept in police custody.

Kwade was rushed to the Accra Regional Hospital but doctors could not attach the finger. The doctors had to amputate part of the left index finger due to the badly exposed bone and the wound was treated.

The police have launched investigations into the matter as the victim seeks damages from the suspect.

Source: classfmonline.com