Mason jailed 12 months for threatening to kill grandmother

Tue, 16 Jan 2007 Source: GNA

Akyem Swedru (E/R), Jan 16, GNA- The Akyem Swedru Circuit Court on Tuesday sentenced Kwame Takyi, a 34-year-old mason to 12 months imprisonment for threatening to kill his grandmother Takyi was convicted on his own plea on two charges of carrying an offensive weapon and threat of death.

Police Chief Inspector Ben Osei Kwadwo, prosecuting, told the court presided over by Mr Edward Kwame Bosompem Apenkwah that the complainant, a 90- year-old lady resides at Akyem Oda Old Town, while Takyi a mason, is the grandson of the complainant.

He said for sometime now, Takyi had been fighting with his grandmother over a single room in their family house without success. On December 31 last year at about 1600 hours, the complainant was relaxing in front of her family house when Takyi returned from town. The prosecutor said the complainant politely welcomed Takyi but he did not respond.

Thinking that Takyi did not hear her, repeated what she said but Takyi rather turned around and looked at her grandmother. Takyi then pointed his finger at her, swore and warned the grandmother never to greet or welcome him again; else she would not have it easy.

He said Takyi went on to hurl insults on his grandmother and threatened to stab her with a knife he was holding. On January three, Takyi was arrested while sleeping with a knife concealed on him. 16 Jan 07

Source: GNA