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While the akyempanzee is still chopping life as a free man
While the akyempanzee is still chopping life as a free man
Don't steal. You are gifted by God. Train to bring out the gift and make money. CASH OUT this year with this skill made easy to learn. SOWING & REAPING is an everlasting principle, so SOW into knowledge/skill, & REAP money ...
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Don't spam. You are gifted by God. Train to bring out the gift and make money LEGITIMATELY.
STOP SCAMMING people for a living!
Armed robbers are very dangerous and posed seriously threat to the nation and if caught they must be severely dealt with
How was it established that the convicts were the thieves? Is this their first stealing or one of many? The smart phones etc found on at their residence do they belong to other people? Will the police try seeking their owners ...
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