
Asanteman Council of North America expels One Member and Two Chiefs

Fired From Job fired

Sat, 20 Feb 2016 Source: NANA OSEI ANANE

The Asanteman Council of North America (ACONA), the umbrella organization which coordinates the activities of its member organizations i.e, the various Asanteman Associations in USA and Canada has expelled Nana Boakye Yiadom, Asantefuohene of Dallas, Texas; Nana Wiafe Anane, Asantefuohene of Denver, Colorado and Nana Marfowaa of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Their expulsion was based on all or some of the following grounds:

(1) Gross misconduct and activities detrimental and prejudicial to the aims and objectives of ACONA’s constitution.

(2) Insubordination by disobeying specific orders by the Council for member associations not to attend the so called Asante Day activities in New York City on September 3rd 2015, and not to attend the swearing-in ceremony of a dissident Asante group in Columbus, Ohio, on July 3rd and 4th 2015.

(3) Engaging in conspiracy and subversive activities with a group and some non ACONA members and New York Asanteman Association to undermine the leadership, and the organizational structure of ACONA.

(4) Calculated efforts by the defendants to destroy the good name and reputation of ACONA.

On December 2, 2015, the Executive Secretary, Prof. Samuel Agyeman Duah, upon specific orders of Asanteman Council of North America (ACONA), the National Council, served the Complaints on the above mentioned defendants.

By virtue of Article VI of ACONA constitution and bylaws defendants were given up to December 13, 2015, as the day to appear and defend the charges filed against them. However, no defense or response was received from the defendants except Nana Marfowaa. However, she refused to answer some questions upon appearance.

Therefore on December 13, 2015, the Council having met and carefully reviewed and considered all the allegations finds and judges as follows:

1. That the Council by virtue of Article 1V, Section 2 of the Constitution has the legislative and policy making authority of ACONA and therefore competent to hear and decide subject matter

2. That the Council, after considering each allegation, finds the Defendants guilty of all the charges against them

3. That Pursuant to Article viii defendants Nana Boakye Yiadom, Nana Wiafe Anane and Nana Marfowaa are expelled from membership of ACONA forth with or with immediate effect.

4. That they hence forth must cease and desist from using ACONA name in any dealings or communication with any person or entity.

5. Defendants to surrender to the secretariat any documents about ACONA that they have in their possession within two weeks after this judgment