
NDC west midlands outdoors new executives

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  • mike 11 years ago

    fdoolish people why dont you go back to yr own country and stop the polictics in the uk u stole the election 2016 u lot will be out of office so why waste time with all these executives

  • Efui Tamakloe- NDC Tx. 11 years ago


  • Efui Tamakloe- NDC Tx. 11 years ago

    Congratulations to you, NDC West Midlands,to the newly elected executives, let truthfulness, humbleness be part of yoor guiding principles, and to all fellow AKATAMANSONIANS,Lets develop the mentality of serving our Great Nat ...
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  • Obed Adore 11 years ago

    Well spoken, dear brother.

  • PATRICK ADZADDU(Buffalo) 11 years ago

    I congratulate you for making this election a peaceful one. I want to encourage you all to hold on to the legacy and foundation or the basis on which this party was formed in 1992. Accountability. Do not forget the the root o ...
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  • Freddy Johnson 11 years ago

    Congratrulations, patriots like you are hard to find. Keep up the good work, keep pushing forward and don't listen to the nay sayers.