202 Women contesting assembly polls in Ashanti

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  • Kwasi Kwarteng 9 years ago

    Where else ,if not Ashanti Region will you find such women emancipation ? Started with Yaa Asantewah. The rest , without shame, will play follow follow and turn around to insult the Asantes out of pure envy.

  • Mahmoud 9 years ago

    It has always been a trend in the P/NDC party to impose leaders on its members without passing through the proper channel, and then impose them on Ghanaians through massive electoral malpractices and outright poll-rigging. Wh ...
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  • Awuradebasa 9 years ago

    Look at you.
    Which of these women are educated enough to go into politics?
    You're a typical Ashante native.
    Most Ashantes describe auto mechanic job as just (loose and tight.)
    Have you heard about a degree called (Politi ...
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  • Tsatsu 9 years ago

    Gender or tribe has nothing to do with a person' s ability to solve problems, any negative comment due to gender or tribe is a testament to shallow thinking.

  • APONKYE 9 years ago

    A virtuous woman's proper role in society is bearing children and seeing to the feeding of the family. That is how God ordered things. It is only women who are not fit for their God-ordained role stray into politics.

    It is ...
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  • Sam 9 years ago

    Health issue and opportunity
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