Let’s work hand-in-hand - Napo

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  • AGBESI. KWESI 7 years ago

    If I am asked to show how Satan looks like I will not hesitate to bring the photograph of Ayariga.
    You remember this same Ayariga was the deputy to Betty Mould Iddrissu. When Auntie Batty had a challenge with the Woyome Saga ...
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  • Oho 7 years ago

    Dr. know all now asking for the problems? You criticized the previous admin's educational policies. So what do you come to the table with? This is not the time for experimentation.

  • kofi adu 7 years ago

    stakeholders, stakeholders, stakeholders! education min. can you find another word? stakeholders, stakeholders, stakeholders!

  • kofi papabi 7 years ago

    teachers don't get it. since they are the only wise guys and gals. are you a teacher also? your sorry ass. can't do any better.

  • AZAA 7 years ago

    The stakeholders are within the NPP because you have the men. Why look elsewhere. Come on fix the problems and stop dancing around the mango tree.

  • Africa King of powers 7 years ago

    Africa King of powers0547122212
    This is a man who can bring back your life about all your spiritual problems spiritual diseases spiritual attacks problems
    madness child Barrens or you want to get quick riche search for po ...
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  • Oheneba 7 years ago

    Fake government with FAKE Promises

  • K.Mahama 7 years ago

    Another elite watchman at post,we need new innovations,new thinking,in modern learning,to take Gh to the top level,but not the old out model ways of doing things as was left over by past Government for newly appointed ministe ...
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  • skippy 7 years ago

    Work hand in hand?
    Are you not the one who rold the Dep executive director F&A as well as the pro(aDr.Arhin & Ambrose Ntsuah that you cantwork with rhem because thwy are ndc people!!!?
    This happened during a management meet ...
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