Size of Akufo-Addo government well intended – Penplusbytes

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  • jOeY lOnDoN 7 years ago

    PenplusbytesRead indeed sycophants and hyper right hypocrites masquerading as think wallowing tanks.

  • Eye Pro, Eye Sure!!! 7 years ago

    Any student of productivity will tell you Akufo Addo has been exposed as an inefficient manager who believes in throwing more people at work instead of focusing on productivity. The sad thing is he has the gut to come and de ...
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  • GIDIGBA 7 years ago

    Penplusbytes, my backside! Change your name to appuuplussanya, with immediate effcet.

  • Nana Akwasi Boachie 7 years ago

    Computerization of government function is abound in this 21st Century. Technology has been developed to reduce human labor and time. The problem we have in third world countries such as ours is the proficiency of the knowledg ...
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  • Barima 7 years ago

    NDC: 85 ministers plus 612 presidential staffers = 697 government officials.

    NPP: 110 ministers plus 150 presidential staffers = 260 government officials.

    Which party is protecting the national purse, my brother. Be y ...
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  • BONNEY 7 years ago

    Nana Addo might as well appoint Ghanaians as ministers to ensure efficiency

  • Mensah Abrampah 7 years ago

    Digital technology is the best solution to the problems President Nana Akuffo Addo intends to solve but the procurement and installation is not a one touch solution. The President is very much aware of the teething problems. ...
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  • WhenIdiotsRule 7 years ago

    Political Fanatics: Don't listen to advice, and just keep on justifying the unjustifiable, till it all blows up in your face.

  • WhenIdiotsRule 7 years ago

    A government on a limited budget does not duplicate minitries and hire more people to do the same job. It defies logic, and IT'S SIMPLY UNJUSTIFIABLE

  • Kwasi 7 years ago

    NDC :
    85 ministers + 612 presidential staffers =697 government officials.

    NPP :
    110 ministers + 150 presidential staffers = 260 government officials.

    Which party is protecting the national purse, my dear friend?
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  • Oh 7 years ago

    If akufo addo want to give jobs to his friends and favourites , why not give them the ambassadorial and high commissioners positions in various countries over the world instead of these110 ministers? Too much.

  • Naniema 7 years ago

    It is very sad that people try to defend undefended issues in this country. It's a fact that politicians are not helping the country to progress.

  • John 7 years ago

    All crap!

  • OOOOOOO 7 years ago


  • Maame Abenah 7 years ago

    Penplusbytes - you have noted well but as the saying goes that Rome was not built in a day. Let us allow Nana Akufo-Addo bring us out of the mess the Mahama NDC government has placed Ghana in. Nana will combine technology and ...
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  • Owusu. 7 years ago

    Npp preached that the country is broke, therefore, logically, we cannot afford somany ministers with such high pays. If a thief steals to help the poor, can we reprieve him because had good intentions.