If you want jobs for your boys create some - NDC tells Nana Addo

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  • SASABONSAM 7 years ago

    Please NDC ugly bastards with sharp teeth leave us alone. We are not dead goats anymore. We Ghanaians have shown you ignoramus NDC that we are civilized and understand politics well, well. Your vote stealing machine has been ...
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  • legon gal 7 years ago

    this man again. He'll never talk sense. what at all did ndc do for ghana. shut your uncircumcised dick for us to rule our government. hungry corrupted man

  • Nana Esi 7 years ago

    To Legon Gal, this is an issue which needs critical thinkers to debate on. Please remove your political lense and think deep. Why do the NPP sack the Government workers and replace them with another. Are they also not Ghanain ...
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  • TECH TRENDS 7 years ago

    Trends predict a future of constantly-connected devices, business; smart homes, smart cities, networked ecosystems and all will be integrated into & controlled by our smartphones. High-value smartphones will require smart te ...
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  • Kofi Adams 7 years ago

    These people must be very desperate. When did they know what they are talking about now? When you whole livelihood is planned on staying in power and you unexpectedly lose, you may lose your mind too. I pity Kofi Portuphy. Hi ...
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  • Joe Tango 7 years ago

    Dr Kwabena Adjei and Hon Yaw Boateng Gyan, former chairman and national organizer, respectively, who brought NDC to power, were thrown out for these lazy officials to take over. How do you expect to win power. Sack all of the ...
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  • JTETTY 7 years ago

    People like these has no mandate to rule a country. Such blemishes in the part of NDC members is boring.
    To go to media With such comments like mankola women in quarrel is silly. Why ndc all this arrogant behaviour?