10 health benefits of sex you may not know

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Thu, 4 Apr 2024 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

You may have heard the saying, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’.

However, after reading the numerous benefits of good sex contained in this article, the above assertion could switch to, ‘A bout of sex a day keeps the doctor away’.

Sex or lovemaking, as others call it, aside from pleasure, has immense benefits that you probably may not know about.

From physical and mental health advantages, let’s unravel the good side of sex as listed by a certified therapist, Princessa Aggrey, during a discussion with Patricia Rockson Hammond on GhanaWebTV’s ‘Moans and Cuddles’ below.

1. Lowers blood pressure

Having high blood pressure? Have high amounts of sex, with a lot of orgasms.

Releasing “Feel good” chemicals into the body can help combat High Blood pressure.

According to Ms. Aggrey, “When you have sweet sex and you get to orgasm, it releases lots of oxytocins, dopamine and other happy chemicals into your system such that if your blood pressure was skyrocketing, it brings it down.”

2. Combats heart disease

The process of sex requires lots of blood, which keeps the heart more active and also prevents heart-related illnesses later in life.

“Imagine you have a tight artery; it would open up because your heart would pump more blood because your genitals need blood for them to function. So, it’s going to expand your blood vessels and pump blood,” Ms. Princessa Aggrey stressed.

3. Boosts immune system

Sex, as an intense physical activity, also burns away cholesterol, keeping the body fit and healthy.

4. Boosts self-esteem

Sending affirmative messages before and after sex can also improve the mood and boost the self-esteem of your partner.

“Sending your partner messages about what you want to do to them when you get home will have him or her getting ready for you,” the sex therapist continued.

5. Gives beautiful skin

The term “post-coital glow” is true. Sex, aside from putting people in a good mood, also makes both the man and woman look good.

“It gives you beautiful skin, when you have good orgasms, you would just be glowing… it shows in their skin, it shows in the spring of their walk, it shows in their smile,” she added.

6. Improves the mood

The release of the ‘feel-good’ chemicals boosts one’s mood and creates smiles all day.

7. Boosts sleep

Are you having difficulty sleeping? Proper orgasmic sex can help you sleep better and longer.

As Princessa says, “If you’re having insomnia or any sleep disorder, have good sex, with orgasms, and you will sleep like a baby.”

8. Helps with depression and anxiety

Sex, with proper communication, is a way partners could open up about their struggles and thoughts, thereby, providing relief for people battling anxiety and depression.

“If you’re going through anxiety and depression, sex helps. If you’re anxious, you have someone to talk to, share your problems and you can have sex,” Sex therapist Princessa emphasized.

9. Helps relieve stress

Stressed out at work? Have sex.

When you come back from work after a long day, you could rant to your partner about all that ensued, shower together and then have some good sex.

“The men have it better, they come back from work, have intense sex and then they just sleep off,” Princessa admits.

10. Boosts creativity

Having a writer's block? Or struggling to compose a song? You know what to do.

“If you’re a creative person, immediately you have sex, all the ideas begin coming, that’s where you start looking for a pen or paper to jot down ideas.”

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Source: www.ghanaweb.com