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2017 wedding: Calabash and decorated bamboo stuns guests

Dela Fofie Calabash Locally brewed drinks served in calabash

Sun, 29 Jan 2017 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Will you love to have guests at your wedding reception served with locally brewed drinks from calabashes as they take shade under bamboo decorated canopies?

These days, several trends are evolving as far as white weddings have come to stay. While some couples spend lavishly on their weddings, few also go for the simple ones to cut down cost.

We have seen marriage ceremonies with the bride and groom abandoning the usual white gown and suit for traditional print styled garments. Others are going makeup-free.

This time around it was the wedding reception of a young and adorable couple that got people talking.

Wedding receptions are where friends and families meet to dine and wine with the newly wedded to share in their joy. Thus, this section becomes one of the most important parts of the wedding where more attention is given.

It was a sight to behold at Kofi Dela and Ama Fofie’s wedding as guests happily wined from calabashes at the reception ground wreathed with bamboo and raffia woven mats and hats at the St. Dominic Catholic Church in Taifa.

This was simply an exceptional, stylish, and beautiful decoration.

Source: www.ghanaweb.com