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2024 polls: Prince David Osei predicts win for NPP after Nigeria’s election

46675480 Prince David Osei causes stir with post

Thu, 2 Mar 2023 Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Ghanaian actor Prince David Osei recently stirred up a controversy on social media following his comments on the Nigerian election.

In a post on Twitter, the actor stated that if the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Bola Tinubu emerged victorious in the Nigerian election, it could pave the way for the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) to retain power in Ghana's 2024 elections.

“Just thinking ooo, if APC retains power and Tinubu becomes President this means NPP will also retain power!! Dynamics,” he wrote.

Despite not providing any clear points to support his prediction, the actor believes this will be the dynamics if the APC and Tinubu win.

Prince David Osei is a loyalist of the NPP and was one of the celebrities who endorsed President Akufo-Addo in the 2020 elections as part of the party's "4 More To Do More" campaign.

His statement has attracted attention from both supporters and opponents of the NPP, with some praising his foresight, while others disagree with his assessment.

The actor's tweet raises an interesting question about the interplay between politics in different African countries.

While some see Osei's statement as an over-simplification of the complexities of politics, others argued that his point was valid while highlighting the importance of keeping an eye on the political landscape in Ghana.

The comments have also sparked conversations about the role of celebrities in politics and the impact their views can have on public opinion.

While some argued that actors and other public figures are responsible for using their platform to educate their fans and followers on important issues, others feel that celebrities should stay out of politics completely.

Regardless of the varied opinions on the matter, Osei's tweet seemed to have highlighted the importance of paying attention to political developments in neighbouring countries.

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Source: www.ghanaweb.com