22 nabbed for pirated music

Fri, 6 Oct 2006 Source: GNA

Accra, Oct, 5, GNA - A total of 22 individuals believed to be owners of some pirated music both local and foreign have been placed in custody at the Nima Police station in Accra.

The Office of the Copyright Administrator and the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) also seized hundreds of pirated works in a combined operation with the Police to curb the upsurge in the spate of piracy in the country.

Audio and video tapes were also seized in the operation led by Mr Bernard Bosomprah, Copyright Administrator and Alhaji Sidiku Buari, President of MUSIGA, at the TUC Area, Kwame Nkrumah Circle, Kaneshie and other parts of Accra.

Also seizes were phonographic films from neighbouring countries. Speaking to the GNA, Mr Bosomprah said the exercise would be sustained to rid the country of piracy.

Alhaji Sidiku Buari expressed satisfaction with the exercise and noted that it was unfortunate that musicians spent "sleepless nights" to compose music and other works only for "some unscrupulous" persons to take advantage to make money at their expense.

He said the practice was unacceptable and. appealed to the Police and the public for support to clamp down the practice.

"Ghanaian musicians have suffered for far too long at the hands of pirates and the time has come for them to told the harm they are causing," the MUSIGA President stated.

Source: GNA