File photo of a bar of chocolate
Chocolate gotten from cocoa is an all-time favourite snack and flavour.
There is so many chocolate-flavoured meal and drinks - because everyone loves chocolate, but it can be used for so much more.
History of chocolate
About 70 per cent of the world's cocoa beans are gotten from four West African countries: Ghana, Ivory Coast, Cameroon and Nigeria.
The Mesoamericans around 1800 BC called chocolate, kakawa. A long time ago, chocolate was used as currency and then for rituals.
It was later used for medicine to treat ailments like smallpox, yellow fever, cholera and tuberculosis.
Cocoa was so precious, that the Latin name for chocolate translates as “food of the gods.”
In the 1600s, physicians claimed that “all that was necessary for breakfast was chocolate because it yielded good nourishment for the body.”
Some special things you can do with chocolate;
1. Toothpaste that prevents mouth odour and cavities
The polyphenols in dark chocolate fight bacteria and other organisms in the mouth. Chocolate helps to get rid of bad breath, tooth decay, and cavities that result from sugars turned into acid.
Here is how you use it; add a pinch of cocoa powder to your toothpaste and brush your teeth.
2. Manure to feed flowers
If you have a garden, feeding your plants with some cocoa will help them sprout. Cocoa is rich in nitrogen and can be used as fertilizer. It also prevents slugs and snails from making their home in your plants. Sprinkle leftover chocolate on your plants.
3. Home-made shampoos for healthy hair
Cocoa has so many benefits for your hair. It reduces hair loss and prevents damage, dryness and breakage. It does this by locking in moisture and sealing your cuticles.
Here’s how to make your shampoo, mix cocoa powder, cornstarch and essential oil, this will make your hair look and smell great.
4. Make chocolate facials
Chocolate has some properties that prevent ageing and revive your face. It can also help you clear blemishes and cleanse your face.
Here’s how to make a chocolate facial.
Mix with 1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/4 cup honey and 1/4 cup yoghurt in a small mixing bowl. Once it has a smooth consistency, you can apply it to your face.
5. Aphrodisiac before and during sex
Even though women have been advised not to put chocolate in their vagina, it can be placed on their thighs and stomach and licked during intercourse.
Chocolate is also an aphrodisiac that stimulates sexual desire.