6 Age-defying tips for your 20s

Wed, 23 Apr 2014 Source: jennifer obiuwevbi-bellanaija.com

Did you know that with every decade added to your life, your beauty regime has to change? No? Then thank God you’re reading this now! Your 20s are the prime years when your beauty is either broken or molded.

Your focus when it comes to beauty benefits and your beauty regime needs to shift to more appropriate products and routines that would not only help your skin now, but give you age-defying benefits to last a lifetime.

If you are in your 20?s there are a ton of tips that can help manage your beauty at this very delicate stage. At this age most people ignore the tell-tale signs their skin gives them and would either age or damage their skin in the long run. Now is the time you can build those long lasting beauty habits that will benefit you now and in years to come.

An example? Did you know that the excessive use of straws increases your chances of getting wrinkles? No? Well here are a couple of more things you didn’t know and great tips to help give you life-changing beauty.

1. One of the major concerns for 20-something year olds is acne. From stress to being allergic to certain foods, there are many reasons why we get acne. But one thing a lot of people don’t know causes acne is using dehydrating products that strip their skin of natural oils.

When your skin looses a lot of oil, it notices; this causes it to over produce oil (sebum) to make up for what has been stripped away and this leads to build up of oil, resulting in pimples. And you all know what happens when you pick at pimples right? They cause dark spots and that’s a different battle on its own.

In the same turn, try not to use products that are packed with excess oils that could build-up on your skin, to reduce your chances of breaking out as well.

2. Let your skin breathe. If you are in your 20s, it is important not to be too reliant on makeup and to let your skin have some room to breathe. You can achieve this by using oxygen-based products. This helps with blemishes, and the main bacteria that cause acne - propionibacterium acnes – cannot survive oxygen. So load them up.

3. Sunscreen is just like brushing your teeth – the more you skip it the worse the effect is. Sunscreen is one of the most effective anti ageing creams you can use and has immense benefits; especially with the harsh sun this season. Be sure to always target your hands and neck when using this cream as those areas are extremely exposed to the sun and age very fast.

4. This one may sound weird but we just had to share. Straws cause wrinkles. Yes, shocker! Any type of repetitive muscle movement can cause wrinkles. For example, if you smile every day, you get a smile line; if you frown often, you get a frown line and many more. Now, using straws in most cases is inevitable, so how can you help this situation? Retinol. Using a light night cream that has retinol around your mouth and forehead can help take those lines away.

5. Keep moving. Exercise has been seen as something you do to loose weight. But that’s not all exercise is used for. Keeping in shape and toning are great ways of preparing your body for life after your 20s.

6. As soothing as a hot bath may feel, hot water actually dries the skin and hair. Reduce the temperature of the water to lukewarm to help lock in moisture. As you age, natural oils reduce, hair dries out and becomes more brittle – and so you need as much moisture as possible. And the best time to save up on all this moisture is in your 20s.

We are sure there are loads of other tips you have to share so don’t forget to do so with us. Toodles!

Photo Credit: www.short-haircut.com

Source: jennifer obiuwevbi-bellanaija.com