7 Valentine’s Day ideas to make your partner smile if you are broke

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Thu, 13 Feb 2020 Source: pulse.com.gh

People in relationships are hoping that their partners will give them a memorable treat.

In Ghana, there are several promos and packages for the love season. From doughnuts, cakes, flowers, breakfast packages and hotel reservations for a stated number of days.

However, some lovers who would want to make February 14th a memorable day for their partners may not have money at the time.

Here are some ideas that require little or no money to make your loved one feel special.

1. Cook for your partner

They say the way to man’s heart is through his stomach. I believe the way to every humans’ stomach is through their stomachs. Cook with the ingredients you have at home, invite your partner over and serve it the best way you can. Just remember to cook with love. Nothing beats that.

2. Take a walk

Imagine walking hand in hand with your lover on the beach or any other place of interest. You and your partner will talk about issues of interest and laugh about nothing. Your love for each other will just move from 100 to 1000.

3. Write a poem

Use words to tell your partner all that you have not been able to say in a while. Tell her how her smile makes you feel. Let him know how you feel when he hugs you. Let your partner know how happy you are to have him/her in your life. In short, write a love poem for your partner. Please do not copy from google. Just write your heart out.

4. Offer a home pedicure/manicure service

You are not a professional nail technician but at least do something. Groom the fingernails and toenails of your partner. You may not be a professional but do it with love and your partner will appreciate this.

5. Go to a museum (a free one)

If you both appreciate art go to the museum. Look out for a free museum in Ghana since you are broke.

6. Stay up chatting all night

In 2020, Valentine’s day falls on a Friday. You can spend the night chatting either on phone or in bed together. Talk about anything that comes to mind but make sure you tell each other how you feel before the conversation ends.

7. Get competitive

If you can play video games or any other games that both of you will enjoy, get competitive. If one partner cannot play this is a great opportunity to teach the other person how to play. Then you can compete in love.

Source: pulse.com.gh