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8 ways to use natural products to get rid of awful scents from your homes

Smelly These tips will help your home smell better

Sun, 23 May 2021 Source: ghbase.com

Sometimes it can be very frustrating if you’ve used all kinds of perfumes to spray your house and yet, some smells just can’t go.

You waste your time cleaning, mopping and washing all your sheets but as soon as you enter your room, there is just that smell you can’t get rid off.

Most of the times these unpleasant odors get stuck in furniture, household appliances, electronics, and even in your own mattresses. Well, worry no more, by following the tips below, your house will smell like heaven!

1. Use orange peels to release a pleasant smell all over your kitchen.

The smell of citrus might provide a mood-lifting effect and reduce stress, and it’s also the perfect air freshener for your kitchen. Dry some orange peels overnight and burn them over the stove or with a lit match.

This will instantly fill your kitchen with a pleasant aroma that will last for a long time.

2. Get rid of odours in your fridge using baking soda.

All sorts of food smells can accumulate in your fridge. Most of the time, fridge fresheners mask the smell instead of getting rid of it. In this case, baking soda works more effectively since it absorbs and neutralizes stubborn odors. Just put an open box of baking soda in your fridge, and change it once a year.

3. Make use of lemons while fighting against bad odours from the microwave.

Lemons are just indispensable helpers when it comes to cleaning! To remove the stink from your microwave, pour a half cup of water into a bowl. Cut a lemon in half, squeeze the juice into the bowl, and put the halves in there too.

Microwave on high for about 5 minutes. After this, don’t open the door yet, but let it stay inside for a few more minutes. After this, remove the bowl and wipe down the microwave.

4. Make a natural room spray with essential oils.

Air fresheners from the store can contain dangerous ingredients that are harmful to people. To make your own at home, you will need a spray bottle, distilled water, your favorite essential oil, and witch hazel. In a bottle, mix 20-25 drops of essential oil with half a bottle of witch hazel. Add distilled water and it’s ready. Witch hazel will help the ingredients combine well and make the scent last way longer. Use it in any room or on your linens.

5. Create a natural toilet bomb.

This bomb can be put into your toilet to kill bacteria and release a fresh smell all over the room. Mix 4 tbsp. of citric acid, 1/2 cup washing soda, 1/2 cup Epsom salt, 1 tbsp. ground soap, 1 tbsp. sodium polycarbonate, and 15 drops any essential oil in a large bowl. With a spray bottle, spray enough witch hazel on the mixture until it becomes firm enough to form the balls. Form the bombs and let them dry for 6 hours.

Remember, baking soda bombs will only clean one part of the toilet. The bowl might have stains inside that need to be removed as they can release an unpleasant odor as well. In this case, a bottle of Coca-Cola can save the day. Empty the toilet bowl and add the soda. The acid in it can help to remove these stains. Let it stay like this overnight and then flush it away.

6. Prepare a vinegar solution for stinky carpets.

If you have pets, it can happen that sometimes they pee on the carpet, which leaves an unpleasant smell. In a spray bottle, mix 5 oz (150 ml) hydrogen peroxide, 1 tbsp vinegar, and 1 tbsp of baking soda. Spray the carpet and let it dry. After it dries, you will notice that a powder has appeared in the area where you sprayed. Remove it with a vacuum cleaner and enjoy the freshness.

7.Deodorize your mattresses by using baking soda.

To make your mattresses smell fresh, you need to sprinkle some baking soda on top of them. Afterward, leave everything for around 30 minutes. Then simply vacuum it up using the upholstery attachment on your vacuum. If you want to add a scent to your mattresses, before you sprinkle the baking soda, you can mix it with an essential oil that you like.

This method can also be used for your sofa if it’s upholstered. Sprinkle baking soda on top and beneath its cushions and leave it there for about 15 minutes. If you feel like your sofa smells too harsh, you can leave the baking soda overnight. After this, use a vacuum cleaner to remove everything off the fabric.

8. Get rid of the smell of fried fish.

Some types of fish smell so strong when being fried, that even turning the range hood on or opening the window doesn’t help. In this case, you can boil a cup of vinegar mixed with a cup of water on the same stove right after you cook the fish on it. The vapor from the vinegar will combat the fishy odor and eventually remove it from your kitchen.

Source: ghbase.com