A literary festival to be launched in honour of Professor Lade Wosornu

 Professor Lade Wosornu  6.jpeg Professor Lade Wosornu

Sun, 14 Jul 2024 Source: Oswald Okaitei, Contributor

On Friday, 19 July 2024, a festival of Poetry and Mother Languages (L1) shall be launched at the Mamprobi Gale Community Library in honour of Professor Lade Wosornu.

The festival, dubbed “Lade Wosornu Festival of Poetry and L1,” besides honouring the retired surgeon and legendary Ghanaian poet whose poems have been and are still being studied in the basic and senior high schools for the West African Examination Council (WAEC) examinations, is geared at promoting the love for poetry (and literature at large) and encouraging Ghanaians (especially students) to be proud of their mother tongues (L1).

The launch, which shall have the Country Representative of UNESCO Ghana as the Special Guest of Honour and the Secretary General of the Pan African Writers Association (PAWA) as the Chairperson, is designed to host a conversation, celebration of Professor Lade Wosornu, performances, a conversation with Professor Wosornu, and outlining of the modality of the festival scheduled to begin next year.

The ceremony shall commence at 11:00 am and participation is open to the general public, free.

“Lade Wosornu Festival of Poetry and L1” was instituted by Osu Children’s Libraries, Read Ghana Read Consult, and the Ghana National Association of Private Schools (Zone 5) and supported by UNESCO Ghana, Pan African Writers Association, Office of the Mamprobi Education Circuit Supervisor, CopyGhana, and Yumvita Ghana.

Source: Oswald Okaitei, Contributor