Actress Emelia Brobbey involved in car accident

Emelia Brobbey Actress

Mon, 10 Mar 2014 Source: NYDJLive

Versatile Ghanaian actress and mother Emelia Brobbey is the latest to survive a car accident that left five people dead, including the driver of the VIP bus in which she was traveling.

The accident happened at the Apedwa junction in the Eastern region at 4pm on Sunday, March 9, 2014. The accident occurred between a VIP bus and a truck loaded with charcoal.

Although information available to us indicates the actress is unhurt, attempts to speak to her on her personal cell phone proved futile as she wouldn’t answer.

Her status update on text messaging application Whatsapp reads, “God, All I can say is THANK YOU”.

This comes hours after rapper and beat producer E.L. also survived a car accident Saturday dawn.

Source: NYDJLive