Afia Schwarzenegger discharged from the hospital after surviving ‘weird sickness’

Afia Schwarzenegger Discharged Afia Schwarzenegger

Mon, 11 May 2020 Source:

Comedienne Afia Schwarzenegger is full of praises after surviving which she characterises as a ‘weird sickness’.

The 38-year-old actress said she has been ‘inflicted with a weird sickness’ which had her hospitalised for some time now.

Sharing the news from her hospital bed on Friday, May 8, she said fans will not believe it but it’s her last day at the hospital.

“You won’t believe it but I have good news and bad news,” she said in an Instagram video. “Today is my last day at the hospital; I’m going home.”

According to her, the devil inflicted her with a very weird sickness that fans don’t want to know.

“The bad news is, the devil decided to take away my joy by inflicting me with a very weird sickness. A very weird sickness that you don’t wanna know.”

She thanked God and her family for support during the hard times.

“But I thank God for my mother for her prayers; my brother and of course for my father.”

She concluded by revealing that she sealed an ambassadorial deal while on her sick bed.

“Now, the good news is, on this goddamn hospital bed, I chalked a goddamn endorsement deal. God bless you. Continue to pray for me. I’m excited.”

Watch the full video below.

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Thank you all for your prayers..

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