African Indigenous Film Union of Ghana (AIFUGHA) is Born

Thu, 22 Mar 2012 Source: Al-Hajj

Francis Xavier Tuokuu

The African Indigenous Film Union of Ghana (AIFUGHA) under the auspices of the Ministries of Information and Chieftaincy and Culture will officially be inaugurated on 31st March, 2012 at the National Theatre.

In a press statement copied to The Al-Hajj, AIFUGHA said “the audio visual (film, television, video, the internet) represent the most powerful system of communication, it is also the most effective means of education and behavior change”.

The new body has identified that “anything that has been achieved by any race can also be achieved by the African”.

According to AIFUGHA, “Africa has had the advantage of the use of film for some time now” but was quick to add that, this has not translated positively in terms of projecting the culture and progress for the development of her people.

It is in this light that, the organization seeks to “produce film and TV programmes that will promote unity, self-worth progress and development”, adding that; “its programmes will also promote the positive aspects of African cultures, encourage peace and peaceful co-existence among the various ethnic groups in Ghana and Africa”.

It is the aim of the group to make sure that African history is properly told in order to achieve what they say “to undo the mutilation of our history and achievements inflicted by outsiders”.

The group also seeks to build the capacity of members and promote members’ interest in the areas of financial, technical and marketing competence.

As its overall objectives, AIFUGHA wants to build the capacity of its members who are mostly film makers and TV producers, and to educate them through orientation, to enable them produce quality and edifying films and other audio visuals.

AIFUGHA said it will also safeguard and promote the interest of its members in the areas of financial, technical and marketing competence


-Forum for National Equity lobby President

Francis Xavier Tuokuu

The Forum for National Equity, (FFNE) an advocacy group has asked the government to as a matter of urgency strengthen the country’s entry points and border towns to reflect Ghana as a nation poised for accelerated development.

The FFNE is demanding urgent improvement in the infrastructure development of “our border towns like, Aflao, Elubo, Paga, Bawku and all border towns.

“Border towns by nature are economic forces and centres for aggressive business and cross cultural fertilization.

“There is the need to bridge the gap between Lome and Aflao. Aflao for example could act as tourist’s attraction center with a well planned layout and facilities”.

In a petition addressed to the President, John Evan Atta Mills, and intercepted by this paper, the advocacy group stated that the entry points of Ghana “play very vital and significant roles in our desire to archive maximum socio-economic advancement, so there is the need to factor a comprehensive Development Programme geared towards total improvement of structures. Kotaka International Airport needs a facelift and the upgrading of its facilities.

“The arrival entrance looks much more local and it dampens the spirit of a first time tourist to the country. As more airlines are making our only international airport their hub for the sub- region, we must also meet international expectations, security and guidelines”.

The group’s petition which was signed by its president, Prince Bagnaba Mba stated that, “ever since the discovery and subsequent commercial production of oil, the whole world has thrown its focus and beam light on Ghana. For this, every patriotic Ghanaian would be proud of the golden opportunities such as ours…they come once a generation and the ability to make the best use of them determines how great we are advancing despite global economic melt-down”, The petition emphasizes.

The Forum for National Equity is therefore suggesting to government to build a bi-lingual university in Bawku adding, “Bawku is unique and very strategic for trans-border business in Ghana. Bawku shares border with both Togo and Burkina Faso and a Bi-lingual University in Bawku would attract students from the landlocked West African neighbors. We could have another Custom and Immigration Training Institute in Bawku”.

The group stated, “we appreciate efforts to modernize Takoradi Ports to play its role in the oil industry by building deep water terminals, but it would be more meaningful for the Railway Authority to fast track the modernization of the rail transport in our western corridors”, the petition acknowledges.

They also suggested that the capital of Ghana be moved to a different location. “Accra is becoming too congested and a new capital within Kintampo or Brong Ahafo/Northern Region would be ideal. “Government in the form of the presidency should move midway of the country and Accra would remain as the commercial capital. The North/South migration would be put to an end with spread of amenities; effective industrialization through agriculture would solve a lot of challenges”, the petition added.


By: Ibrahim Amadu

A member of the NDC communication team, Mr. Felix Ofosu Kwakye has asked Ghanaians not to vote for a candidate who has demonstrated least respect for womanhood and their welfare.

Speaking at the Accra City TEIN forum, Mr. Kwakye describe the NPP presidential candidate as a dangerous person who cannot be trusted with the most powerful position of the land , considering his attitude and relationship with women.

He said Nana Addo’s recent past experience with women has given him up as someone who lacks moral and self control when it comes to dealing with women as such, cannot be trusted with the multitude of women and children in this country.

According to Mr. Kwakye women and children constitute the majority in Ghana’s population and deserve all the protection and assistance to enable them take their proper place in society and for that matter any candidate who represents a danger to this realization; should not be considered for the highest position of the land.

Though confident of an NDC victory come 2012, he was quick to throw in a sign of caution to all, not to pay attention to the numerous misinformation and misconception being churned out by the opposition NPP to keep Ghanaians from fully digesting the true character behind the personality of Nana Addo.

Mr. Kwakye said aside the insatiable desire of the NPP candidate to occupy the highest office of the land; he is ready to toil with the lives of every Ghanaian just to achieve this dream. A point he said, which must guide every voter seeking to preserve the peace and tranquility of this country.

He said Nana Addo’s ALL- DIE – BE – DIE slogan should not be treated as child’s play rather, it should encourage masses of Ghanaians to go out in their numbers and vote against him.

He also draws attention to the vile propaganda and attempts by the opposition NPP to discourage people in the strong hold of the ruling NDC from partaking in the upcoming biometric registration under the pretext that the biometric machine can cause cancer.

Mr. Kwakye made it clear that there is no proof of this wild statement and that the machines were indeed safe for new and all legible voters to register to enable them vote come 2012.

The Deputy Information Minister who was rather late for the program asked the NDC family to be rest assured that the NDC is going to register a handsome victory which will finally settle all doubt about current administration of the NDC.

Hon. Okudzeto Ablakwa, indicated that the signs of victory were clear and that sijmnjmgnal from the entire country has shown that the NDC was alive and ready to battle and match to the castle once again with his Excellency the president leading the onslaught.

JJ’s Alleged Plot Against President Mills

The Al-Hajj Vindicated

-As Aide Kofi Adams is Caught Confirming on Tape

Barely few hours after The Al-Hajj had reported that former President Rawlings, his wife Nana Konadu, aided by some senior party members were planning to make the Mills/Mahama administration, a one-term-government; an aide to the former first couple has been caught on tape practically confirming the plot.

The Ghanaian Lens, in a report on the same day (Tuesday 20th January 2012)The Al-Hajj hits the newsstand revealed how, almost immediately after the results of the NDC’s Sunyani congress were announced in July last year, spokesperson to the former first family and a Deputy General Secretary of the party, Kofi Adams had reached out by phone to a senior member of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) and Executive Director of the Danquah Institute, Gabby Asare Otchere Darko pledging his personal commitment to doing everything possible to ensure that President Mills does not get re-elected.

This, Kofi Adams strenuously denied on Radio Gold’s Morning show hosted by Allhassan Suyini compelling the Managing Editor of The Ghanaian Lens newspaper, Kobby Fiagbe to forward the said tape to the host who played it on air.

The leaked tape had a voice supposed to be that of Mr. Adams, telling Gabby, the nephew of the NPP presidential candidate for the 2012 polls, Nana Akufo Addo; that they will do all it takes to prevent President Mills from securing the mandate from Ghanaians for a second term, almost confirming The Al-Hajj’s story.

The Al-Hajj, in the report revealed that, the NDC founder, Jerry Rawlings and wife Nana Konadu intend to make sure the Mills/Mahama ticket remains a ‘one term’ government using what they termed; ‘gradual mobilization of negative public sentiments’ against the president and his vice to derail the focus of the December election messages and campaign.

“The strategy of the Rawlingses according to the plan is to neutralize the effects of NDC’s rallies and campaign by coming out with abrasive and provocative messages to coincide with the good messages the party intends to churn-out in their programs and gatherings,” the paper revealed.

Speaking later in an interview with Citi News, Mr. Adams denied engaging in any such conversation insisting that it is part of a scheme by people within his party to tarnish his image.

“Anyway, what is in the voice that is incriminating... it will not wash,” he insisted.

Below is a transcript of the Kofi Adam Tape:

Adams: Atta Mills is not a person going to be president of this country after he finishes with first term. Whatever it takes for him to go to opposition we’ll do it.

Okyere-Darko: What I noticed was that the place was packed with observers

Adams: Yeah, yeah

Okyere-Darko: So the place was intimidating.

Adams: It was an intimidating tactics. The almost over 1000 observers were their people. They were using them to intimidate the delegates. They paid GhC500.00 to every single delegate yesterday night.

Okyere-Darko: Wow... that’s a lot of money.

Adams: Yes, a lot of money... but those who bought into that promise will start biting their fingers from tomorrow. Anyway, extend my greetings to your uncle.

Okyere-Darko: By the way, what is the next move my brother?

Adams: When I come we’ll talk. I may arrange so we meet out of this country and talk more.

Okyere-Darko: No problem... I’m available so when you come back let’s talk. Well fought my brother. Brave.

Adams: Ok.

Allotey Jacobs Blast NDC, JOY FM

-Over boycott palaver

The Communications Director for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Central Region, Mr. Bernard Allotey Jacobs, says he disagrees with his party's decision to boycott all programs run by the Multimedia Group Limited (MGL), which comprises Joy FM, Multi TV, Adom FM, Asempa FM and other sister media houses across the country.

According to him, boycotting MGL is not the best option for government and will not resolve whatever differences that have cropped up between the two parties, adding that government at this stage needs every available platform to propagate and market its initiatives and achievements.

Bernard Allotey Jacobs also slammed the Multimedia Group for pandering to the whims of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) and bowing to their every wish whiles treating the NDC unfairly, describing them as cowards.

The NDC Central Region strongman who was contributing to discussions on Peace FM's Kokrokoo Morning Show claimed, MGL has been cowed into submission by the National Youth Organiser of the NPP, Anthony Karbo and his group of 'militants' who recently swarm the premises of Asempa FM following a misunderstanding on the station’s Ekosii sen program.

The Government has officially announced its decision to boycott all programs run by media houses operating on the license of the Multimedia Company Limited.

A Deputy Information Minister, James Agyenim Boateng, said among other considerations, the media group has not been fair to the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Speaking in an interview with CitiNews, Hon. Boateng said: “In the light of the large development on Asempa FM which led to a mob of NPP people led by Anthony Karbo storming the station, that incident for example did not find any space in the news bulletin of Joy FM and so by their conduct they have shown that they cannot be a fair party and neutral.”

“We consider that not in our interest... more importantly, we cannot guarantee the safety of our people when they appear on their stations,” he added.

Hon. Boateng stated: “We are not asking radio presenters and producers to be on our side. But they should show fairness and be accurate. We can’t cooperate with stations which pretend to be neutral, but in fact do more damage to us.”

Files from: Beatrice Adepa Frempong/

Source: Al-Hajj