Aim Of "Atta Mortuary Man" - Producer

Fri, 17 Jun 2011 Source: Ghana News Agency /GNA

Mr Eric Asante, the producer of the movie, “Atta Mortuary man”, has stated that the movie was not aimed at mocking President John Evans Atta Mills, but rather to entertain Ghanaians.

He indicated that the movie was based on a true life story of a man called “Atta”, adding that, “it did not have any political connotation but solely entertaining”. Mr Asante was speaking at the launch of the controversial movie, “Atta Mortuary man” in Koforidua on Thursday.

He said the launch was to tell the public that the movies, which were seized by the national Security, have since been released, therefore, they could get their copies to watch.

Mr Asante said after watching the movie viewers could also judge whether it was politically motivated or pure entertainment. He stated that he did not know why the movies were seized, who ordered for the seizure and where they were taken to. Copies of the movies were seized on May 25, this year, at 1600 hours and it was alleged that two men from the Castle, OSU, seized 13,132 copies of the movies without any reason.

But, it was also reported that Mr Mohammed Ahmed Baba Jamal, a Deputy Information Minister, said on an Accra radio station that copies of the movies were seized because the Government had an information that the movie had political scenes. He was also reported to have said that the producer, “Tiger Heart” Production, was not registered, therefore, it could not produce a movie.

Source: Ghana News Agency /GNA