Kwashieman Trinity Presbyterian Church feed Hundreds

Sat, 9 Oct 2004 Source: GNA

Accra, Oct. 9 GNA - Hundreds of people from all works-of-life were on Saturday fed at a special "Soup kitchen" organized by the Kwashieman Trinity Presbyterian Church of Ghana at Kwashieman. It attracted large number of people who thronged the Church premises, many of them deprived and destitute from the community and some Church members.

The people were served a variety of Ghanaian dishes, including Jolof rice, rice and stew, plantain and kontomere stew, gari and beans with fried plantain and waakye.

The church band " The shepherds" entertained the gathering with soul-searching music that compelled some of them to take to the dancing floor.

The programme forms part of activities line-up by the Church to mark its 25th Anniversary that falls tomorrow on the theme: " Thus far the Lord has brought us".

The Reverend Lieutenant Colonel (Rtd) Kwasi Oteng, in charge of the Church, appealed to Ghanaians to be each other's keeper and to play their respective roles towards national development.

He said the "Soup kitchen" enabled the Church to fulfil its religious obligation of sharing the little it had with the deprived, needy and destitute just like Jesus feed thousands of hungry people with a loaf of bread and fish in the Bible.

Rev Oteng said as part of the Church's social responsibility, items donated by members would be presented to the Bawjiase Orphanage. He expressed concern about the alarming rate at which HIV/AIDS was spreading in the country and said as part of efforts to reverse the trend, the Church undertook an HIV/AIDS awareness float through the principal streets of the area and organised a free medical screening for common diseases like malaria for the residents.

Source: GNA